Police Station
Our clients can be confident that the team at Darton Law is available 24 hours a day. We can be contacted on our office number, which is a 24 hour number (0208 751 5115). We have a wide range of experience in attending Police Stations and advising people accused of a range of offences from minor road traffic matters to large scale conspiracies and murder.
If your friend or relative is being detained by the Police they have the right to be represented by a Solicitor of their choice, free of charge. Please contact us if you would like us to assist in representation.
Your right to free and independent legal advice continues, even if you are bailed to return to the Police Station on another date. If for any reason you didn’t have Solicitors when you were initially arrested, please contact us. It is likely that we can then attend the Police Station on a subsequent occasion free of charge.
Other Interviews not conducted at a Police Station
You may find that you are being investigated by the Department of Work and Pensions (or Benefits Agencies) or the UK Border Agency (formerly Customs & Excise). As such, you may be asked to attend an interview. You are entitled to legal representation during interview and in most cases this is covered by Legal Aid. Please contact us for more information.
Meet our Criminal Defence Team
Darren Flick Profile
Anthony Mitchell Profile
Parmi Bhogal Profile
Julian Waskett Profile
Kate Maddison Profile
Doris Asare Profile
Emily Lodda Profile
Get legal advice today.
Call us on 020 8751 5115 Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm
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